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Board Advisor

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""Extraordinary businesses have extraordinary boards. Understanding the deeper psychology that underpins all of our relationships and the group dynamics at play in our boardroom is essential for long-lasting, meaningful and enjoyable success." 

Some people think that C-Suite coaching is all about performance and driving growth. Other  people prefer to choose coaching which is more about cohesion, collaboration and healthy communication.


The truth is, you need both.


However, there is a third element that most people never work on.


Each individual is bringing their own relational dynamic based on their life story, their beliefs and their conditioned expectations.


People are also bringing their deepest existential fears.


They are also bringing a whole bunch of compensatory behaviours that may have been very effective at helping them get to this point in life but...


These old behaviours will prevent the individual and certainly the team from moving up to the next level. 


All too often, people use over working and over-efforting as a way of avoiding their personal challenges. 


This is not sustainable. It makes a business brittle. 


People burn out. People fall away and more often, people fall out.


The wise business knows that our greatest missions and visions are invitations for everyone in that business to lovingly dissolve their difficulties and discover their true greatness.


Our challenges are not to be avoided. They are the weights in the character gymnasium of life that help us discover, distill and express our highest potential.


The board has to be extraordinary.


From there, truly amazing things happen.​ In terms of company profits but also regarding building a truly inspiring, supportive and creative culture within the business.


The people grow. The business grows.


Every board member must not just be committed to personal growth.


They must be excited by it. 


Then every meeting, every interaction, every challenge can be seen through the collaborative lens of collective healing, transformation and expression.


Everyone in their zone of genius.


Everyone out of their own way.


Truly working together. 


Mind clear. Heart full.


Everyone held to account, performing at their very best, taking themselves and the business to the next level with a healthy life balance and huge amounts of satisfaction. 









Every business and board is different, so my work with each company is completely bespoke.


It can involve any combination of the following approaches:


  • Deep psychodynamic work with each board member

  • Group psychodynamic circle sessions

  • Vision and values iteration sessions

  • Creativity enhancement, exploration and iteration sessions

  • Project planning and accountability structure building

  • Unconditional relational practices and processes

  • Training days on leadership, emotional intelligence, communication and productivity

  • Transformational retreats for immersive acceleration

  • Motivational events for whole company enrolment

  • Employee assessment and enrolment programs

  • Employee roll-out training programs



How it works

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